Sunday, March 25, 2007

Photo Hunt 50: Empty

I have an ongoing love/hate relationship with possessions and periodically vow to rid myself of anything that's not absolutely essential. The problem is, what I consider essential changes. For instance, when I came back from a two week camping trip in Wyoming, I thought I could get rid of all my pots and pans and get by, as I had in the mountains, with one bowl, a fork, and a Swiss Army knife. Then I decided I would start a juicing regimen and cook a lot of rice dishes.

I go through similar phases with gear: the saddles, riding boots and tack were purged to make room for motorcycle jackets/helmets/tools which were purged to make room for the yoga mats, bolsters, blankets and blocks.

I'm even worse with books.

But I continue to long for emptiness, the pure space that would allow me to collect my thoughts, find one book to read, and the favorite t-shirt to wear day after day. And so I find an empty cardboard box, dump out the cat, and make yet another trip to the Salvation Army store.

1 comment:

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

We go through that. . . We moved cross country 2 years ago and left most everything behind. . will be downsizing yet again, but much of it will be what we have managed to get since we moved. I think many people go through the same cycle as you. I am convinced I could make it with just a very few books, my laptop, and my knitting, but kitchen, even though I rarely cook, I want all that, just in case.